Berlin’s Cathedral – Festival of Lights 2018

Foto: Berlin's Cathedral - Festival of Lights 2018

Berlin’s Cathedral – Festival of Lights 2018 – © Marco Ristuccia

Like every year, this is the moment of the Festival of Lights here in Berlin. Usually I don’t like nor make those kind of shots. They are, so to say, too touristic. But in the last period I’ve been working too much time at home in front of my PC. And I needed an excuse for getting out and breathing a little bit of fresh air. Moreover, such a kind of posed images are always a good occasion to use my Hasselblad 503CW together with the CFV-50s digital back, which usually sit unused collecting dust. Past and present united together, this is what I think every time I observe these two examples of mechanical and electronic excellence that complement each other in a perfect aesthetic symbiosis.

The atmosphere here in Berlin is always calm and pleasant, and I really enjoyed this short walk to the Berlin’s Cathedral. Out of the many ones, I’ve chosen this shot mostly because of the couple’s silhouette standing through the backlight of the fountain, at the bottom part of the frame.

Taken with the Zeiss Distagon 40mm f4.0 FLE.

As always, fine-art prints of my works are available for sale in limited editions.

Photography Laboratory

[cml_media_alt id='2337']Corso di Fotografia - Livello Base[/cml_media_alt]

I’m very pleased to announce that starting September 29th 2018 I’ll start teaching a Photography Laboratory class at the Berlino Schule, in the city of Berlin.

The course, held weekly, will be conducted in Italian language and will cover all the most important technical and linguistic fundamentals of this powerful means of expression.

The first trial lesson will be a free of charge. It will be an opportunity to meet each other and start getting into the lair of the White Rabbit. :)

For more info, program and applications please click here.

Facebook event by clicking here.

Photography Course – Base Level

[cml_media_alt id='2337']Corso di Fotografia - Livello Base[/cml_media_alt]

I’m very pleased to announce that beginning March 17, 2018 I’ll start teaching a base level course of Photography at the Berlino Schule, in the city of Berlin.

The course will be held in Italian language and will cover all the most important historical, technical and linguistic fundamentals of this powerful means of expression.

The first lesson will be a free trial. It will be an opportunity to meet each other and start getting into the lair of the White Rabbit. :)

For more info, program and applications please click here.

Facebook event by clicking here.

Happy Holidays!

[cml_media_alt id='2306']Photo: Berlin-Wedding - © Marco Ristuccia[/cml_media_alt]

Berlin-Wedding – © Marco Ristuccia

Another year is gone by, and I feel I’ve made some little steps further, especially regarding the consciousness of my photographic aims. Lots is still to be learned and new challenges will come. Let’s move forward, bit by bit, with energy and belief.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!